1:1 And the Lord COFFEE said unto them:
Long have thou waited, coffee hounds,
thou undercaffeinated wretches, my people;
1:2 Long have thou watched other neighborhoods elevated above thee,
proud that they have a coffee shop to walk to
and eat a vegan empanada if they want.
1:3 Now, thy patience has been rewarded;
thy faith has been rewarded;
and thy desires have been bestowed with treasures
because thou hast both a bar and a coffee shop.
1:4 Arise, thou coffee hounds, from thy misery, and cast off thy shackles;
Lo, the Corona Cafe opens,
On Monday January 26th,
and the first coffee will be poured at 7 am,
so thou must go to the coffee shop, the land of milk and honey,
and afterwards if thou desirest thou can get a tattoo
or get thy nails done.
1:5 And the coffee is hot and strong
and peeleth the sleep from thy eyes;
and the espresso is a tonic to the soul,
and affordable.
1:6 And the Lord COFFEE said:
Do not take the coffee shop for granted,
for it exists by thy goodness and for thy pleasure;
and speak no false words against it, such as
searching police records for crimes that occurred
before the shop had opened;
and do not hide behind false identities
or poison the email inboxes of thy neighbors.
1:7 And remember that the hope of Mueller
is a false hope;
and keep no false hopes before thee;
1:8 And lo, the fast food restaurants, the check-cashing joints,
the car washes: these will flee from Cameron Road,
and trees and gardens will overgrow the asphalt and replace it
with a minimum of city construction crews digging it up.
1:9 Other neighborhoods will wail and gnash their teeth
at the patheticness of their vegan empanadas,
Thy property values will increaseth;
Thy flocks multiply beyond measure;
And thou willest live with the clarity bestowest by COFFEE.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Grist for the Mill
Rumors of Grounds will inaugurate 2009 by moving on from coffee and cracking open a new nest of testy rumors. "You make a brave show, but in fight you are sadly wanting. A runaway like yourself has no claim to so great a reputation."
Friday, January 2, 2009
Corona Cafe Open Date Update (with photos)
Brandon writes:

It's safe to say that we'll be opening the third or fourth week of Jan. We have a plumbing, health and fire inspection to pass so our schedule has been a little open. We have placed an ad in January's WPNA newsletter and will be announcing our official date a week before opening.For updates, check out www.coronacafeaustin.com or http://www.myspace.com/coronacafeaustin.

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Corona Cafe Interview!
Brandon Gonzalez and his wife, Juliana, took time from prepping the new Corona Cafe to answer some questions from Coffee Hound:
1. What will be available at Corona Cafe to drink and eat?
Even before we moved to WP in 2004, people said it was a cool neighborhood, with just one problem: there wasn't a coffee shop. So apart from the fact that WP is now a cool neighborhood with a coffee shop, this is a significant moment. Why? Let's review:
One: If you have any complaints about the Nomad, you should note that this coffee shop idea sprouted at a bar--if Brandon & Juliana didn't have the Nomad to go to, you might not be getting your coffee this soon.
Two: The Nomad is anchoring new local business development -- and doing it in a way that Mueller hasn't (and if the recession continues, probably never well). It's a triumph for local business all around. There's just no reason to accept the argument that "WP doesn't need to build it, because Mueller will have it." Sure, Mueller may get this or that -- just in time for your kids, not you, to enjoy them.
Three: Note that Brandon & Juliana successfully got a small business loan, which means that someone recognized the good business possibilities on WP's side of the highway, which means that the signs may be good for other business investment over here.
Four: This effort combines both local capital + community, not just capital, and not just community. Call me a Clinton-era Third Wayista, but that seems like a winning combination, at least in this instance. So much of the bad development news in Austin over the last couple years has demonstrated the complete domination of community by capital (e.g., Las Manitas, the Domain, the Broken Spoke) and the refusal by community to admit the usefulness of capital (e.g., complaints about gentrification). Let's not just wish Corona Cafe a happy stay, let's make it happy.
Five: Maybe it's time to close down this blog -- what rumors will I track? Maybe that bakery rumor...
1. What will be available at Corona Cafe to drink and eat?
Corona Cafe will offer coffee, espresso and espresso drinks, tea, bottled beverages (non-alcoholic) and food from local vendors. The Green Cart will provide our sandwiches and wraps, including several vegan and veggie options. We'll also carry empanadas and sliced pizza from La Boca bakery, just east of us by a mile and a half. Breakfast pastries will also be available.2. How long has Corona Cafe been in the works, and where did the idea come from?
Juliana and I dreamed up Corona Cafe this past April, during happy hour at the Nomad. We have always talked about opening up our own business and all signs pointed to this location.3. Do you live in Windsor Park? And if so, how long have you been here?
Juliana and I live just east of Windsor Park in Pecan Springs. Juliana and I have lived in Austin since 2001.4. Have you ever run or owned a coffee shop or restaurant before?
Corona Cafe is our first coffee shop.5. A lot of people have talked for a long, long time about how WP needs a coffee shop -- do you feel any pressure?
Corona Cafe is looking forward to being another business in the neighborhood where neighbors can get together and socialize. Right now, folks in the 78723 travel over two miles to the nearest locally owned coffee shop.6. Is this a sole effort by you and your wife, or does Corona Cafe have other investors/owners?
Juliana and I are the sole owners of Corona Cafe. We received a small business loan to finance the start up, and have lots of support from talented friends and neighbors.7. What's your favorite coffee drink?
Brandon's favorite drink is an Americano with a little cream. Juliana just drinks "regular coffee" but likes the occasional mocha.So here's your long-awaited coffee shop, Windsor Park: support, partake, and enjoy.
Even before we moved to WP in 2004, people said it was a cool neighborhood, with just one problem: there wasn't a coffee shop. So apart from the fact that WP is now a cool neighborhood with a coffee shop, this is a significant moment. Why? Let's review:
One: If you have any complaints about the Nomad, you should note that this coffee shop idea sprouted at a bar--if Brandon & Juliana didn't have the Nomad to go to, you might not be getting your coffee this soon.
Two: The Nomad is anchoring new local business development -- and doing it in a way that Mueller hasn't (and if the recession continues, probably never well). It's a triumph for local business all around. There's just no reason to accept the argument that "WP doesn't need to build it, because Mueller will have it." Sure, Mueller may get this or that -- just in time for your kids, not you, to enjoy them.
Three: Note that Brandon & Juliana successfully got a small business loan, which means that someone recognized the good business possibilities on WP's side of the highway, which means that the signs may be good for other business investment over here.
Four: This effort combines both local capital + community, not just capital, and not just community. Call me a Clinton-era Third Wayista, but that seems like a winning combination, at least in this instance. So much of the bad development news in Austin over the last couple years has demonstrated the complete domination of community by capital (e.g., Las Manitas, the Domain, the Broken Spoke) and the refusal by community to admit the usefulness of capital (e.g., complaints about gentrification). Let's not just wish Corona Cafe a happy stay, let's make it happy.
Five: Maybe it's time to close down this blog -- what rumors will I track? Maybe that bakery rumor...
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