Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Starbucks on Cameron & Corona

Well, maybe it was inevitable: someone passed along the rumor that there's a Starbucks going in at Cameron & Corona. At first I pooh-poohed this: that's not a coffee shop they're building, it's a bar, The Nomad.

Then I thought: Well, there is that old 7-11 across the street.

But if you've been by there recently, you've seen the hole they're digging in the parking lot for a new underground gasoline tank. Since I'm doubtful that Starbucks sell gasoline, I'm going back to discounting this rumor.

But if you have any info to the contrary, pass it on.


Kelly said...

Actually Starbucks is trying out a centralized distribution system in some markets. They brew the coffee at a regional brewing facility and ship it on tanker trucks to the stores where it's pumped into large holding tanks (putting them in the ground improves insulation, keeping the coffee hot for weeks).

Kristin said...

Are they digging a hole to put in new gas tanks or removing the old ones? Had the old 7-11 tanks already been dug up?

I drove by to check it out too!

Kristin said...

Oh yeah - I saw a sign for a new coffee shop on the east side of Airport Blvd, north of 290 E, near Highland Mall...

lepard said...

Coffee shop going in on the east side of Airport, next to specks, is going to be called "kick ass coffee." As much as I like coffee, and want a coffee house nearby, I refuse to mix ass with my coffee... even if its just a name!

As for the old 7-11, I saw them pull up the old tanks when it first closed. It makes me wonder if there was a leak, and therefore some sort of ordinance required that they let it sit for a few months before putting in a new one...

Unknown said...

Good news Coffee Hound, Since my place, The Nomad was not allowed to stay open until 2AM by some neighbors on Corona, I will be selling coffee and opening in the AM for it and shut down at midnight. I have to make up my profit loss somehow, and I figure if there is this much hubbub on a coffee joint then surely people will come drink it, right? Lets hope so. So Windsor park will get their coffee and pastries in the AM and their booze in the PM.

Pierre said...

What is the target date for opening The Nomad?

Unknown said...

You know I am really scared to give that these days as the city is one beast to work with. Lets just say soon for now. It WILL happen though.